Orazio Marinali
Christ as the Man of Sorrows
Vicenza, Italy, about 1690
Marble relief
35 x 28.5 cm
Orazio Marinali was the leading member of a prominent family of sculptors in Vicenza, near Venice, which specialised in religious images.
Orazio’s sculptures are often of extreme emotional intensity, as in this extraordinary relief carving, which is particularly moving. Equally remarkable is Marinali’s virtuoso technique, best evidenced in the deep drilling of the hair, and his eccentric approach to anatomy; the exaggerated form of the ear is something of a trademark in his work. This is one of the finest works in the Barber’s sculpture collection.
Purchased 22 May 2000 with generous financial assistance from the National Art Collections Fund and the Resource/V&A Purchase Grant Fund (No. 2000.3).