The Borrower must meet all costs incurred in association with the loan process, including the initial Condition Assessment which will be made prior to any recommendation. The Barber will need to pass this cost to the Borrower, whether or not the loan is agreed.
The Barber uses freelance conservators for condition assessments, reports and pre-loan conservation. These costs must be passed on to the Borrower.
Where the loan is agreed, all objects will have an outgoing Condition Report made.
Costs for Condition Assessments and Outgoing Condition Reports are as follows:
Condition Assessment
Works on paper: £160, per object
Paintings: £210, per object
Objects: £220, per object
Textiles/ Coins: To be quoted per loan request
Outgoing Condition Report
Works on paper: £160, per object
Paintings: £285, per object
Objects: £220, per object
Textiles/ Coins: To be quoted per loan request
The Barber Institute requires a very high quality of care for all loans. All conditions of loan must be met by the Borrower and necessary conservation carried out prior to loan. Additional costs to be recouped may include conservation, glazing (all works must be glazed for loan), conservation framing, and mounting. The Barber uses external conservators and therefore their costs must be passed onto the Borrower.
The Barber does not charge for staff technician time (for loan preparation or handling) or for packing or packing material (with the exception of packing cases).
Any costs and fees will be agreed in advance with the Borrower, and where possible, we aim to keep the cost of borrowing to a minimum.
In the event cancellation of a loan by a prospective Borrower, the Barber Institute will pass on those costs already incurred in relation to the preparation of the loan to the prospective Borrower.