Charles-François Daubigny
The Children in the Cart
Auvers-sur-Oise, 1861
Plate: 130 x 180 mm; paper: 280 x 250 mm; mount: 405 x 555 mm
Daubigny watches from his boat as a woman, possibly his wife, assists a group of children pulling a cart. Madame Daubigny holds her youngest son’s hand while he rides sleepily in the cart. This is one of a series of light-hearted etchings documenting the artist’s adventures aboard ‘Le Bottin’. Daubigny used the boat as a studio from 1857, travelling and painting the Seine, Oise and Marne rivers with family and friends. The print series, Voyage en Bateau, was published by Alfred Cadart in 1862 as the first publication of his newly formed Société des Aqua-fortistes.
Purchased 1966 (66.4)